One extra fast trick to switch your consciousness level

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October 5, 2021

Let me share with you one of my tricks to simplify and speed up the change of my consciousness level.
Let me share with you one of my tricks to simplify and speed up the change of my consciousness level.
You can find it usefull:
You can find it usefull:
💎 when you think you cannot meditate
💎 when you think you cannot meditate


💎 during visualisations
💎 during visualisations


💎 if you always fall asleep before you got where you wanted
💎 if you always fall asleep before you got where you wanted


💎 if your thoughts start to fly very quickly
💎 if your thoughts start to fly very quickly

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💎 simply when in hurry and need to look inside yourself quickly and anywhere
💎 simply when in hurry and need to look inside yourself quickly and anywhere



Then try my little improver – the elevator.

Then try my little improver – the elevator.

Imagine you enter the elevator of a multi-storey building, press the button with the name of the desired level of consciousness and the elevator will spit you out there in an instant.
Imagine you enter the elevator of a multi-storey building, press the button with the name of the desired level of consciousness and the elevator will spit you out there in an instant.
We all know the elevator, nothing complicated needed.
We all know the elevator, nothing complicated needed.
You are the big boss. You hold the keys to the rooms or apartments at all storeys… so enjoy it there!
You are the big boss. You hold the keys to the rooms or apartments at all storeys… so enjoy it there!
You can relax, adjust, makeover, do some cleaning or decorating. Or you can check precisely where some itchy feeling is coming from.
You can relax, adjust, makeover, do some cleaning or decorating. Or you can check precisely where some itchy feeling is coming from.
Please note that the elevator may not let you dive deep into the subconscious or unconscious levels as those are usually aproachable to more advanced practicioners.
Please note that the elevator may not let you dive deep into the subconscious or unconscious levels as those are usually aproachable to more advanced practicioners.
Have fun and let me know how does the elevator work for you!
Have fun and let me know how does the elevator work for you!

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About the Author

Marketa Maderova

As the author of a unique and complex method of energy work called Applied Mysticism I have helped hundreds to free themselves from lifelong lasting issues. Mysticism is my passion, love and life. I feel the most important you can do is to be fully present right here and now. Read my story here >>