How to set prices mystically?

Nostram partner-sponsored Glasses, cum variis optionibus ad omnem saporem ac budget, ad emendum

October 14, 2021

How to set prices mystically?

The business grows with its owner and moves together, hand in hand. Those who are actively engaged in the topic of self-development notice this very clearly with their business. Those who also run a business in the topics of personal development or energy know it perhaps even more clearly.

New visions, ideas, collaborations and connections.

Earlier this year, I began to implement a larger wave of changes to my business. Because people always ask me, request a new service or it comes out of the process all on its own. The changes I wanted to address were mostly practical. I changed almost everything, from the website to the ordering system. In addition to that, I set the intention to set new types of appointments this year, to move things along again.


I’ll share with you the process on the mystical pricing method.

When I tackled the topic of pricing, I set the intention to have an energy conference and waited until I had some quiet time. Then I went to the conference.

I met with the soul of my business, the masters, the angels, the money being, the goddess of abundance. We stood in a semicircle. One by one, I called out my prizes. I saw them as ballerinas dancing.

Gradually I moved the prize, so that they would speed up their dance when I increased the number of the prize, or dance more slowly when I decreased the number of the prize.

We watched each other’s reactions in that semicircle. I enjoyed that.


At one point, the goddess of abundance shook her head in disbelief and the being of money exclaimed, no way!!!, walked away, folded her arms and stood there!


For the price was too low. So I increased it, making the ballerina faster, and the money creature moved backwards in proportion to the acceleration.

When it was the right number, the being of money and the ballerina of the price merged together in an energy vortex, and upward shot a colorful firework. It was okay then, that was when the price number always perfectly matched the energy and value of each of my services and I wrote it down in my notebook.

Then we dismissed the conference, we all thanked each other and said our goodbyes and went about our other tasks.

I came back from my vision back into my body and looked at the notebook. I read the numbers in there and nearly fell off my chair – I got a regular hysterical look on my face that I could never charge that much! No one will ever give me that much!


The prices proposed were perfectly in line with everything but my own self-worth.

So what to do? I threw the book away and didn’t change the prices, of course. What else is there to do at that point, right? Because if you’re not in line with the price yourself, it may be set right a million times over, but you’re not going to sell much of anything. You’re going to limit or slow down your income stream a lot if you don’t trust yourself.

Instead of changing my pricing toward alignment with me, I instead went to move my self-worth and started to gradually put myself vibrationally in alignment with that set price. And I’m still on that path today and will be for a while.

Wondering which service was it and what numbers I was so hysterical about?

For the appointment called Inner Insight, where we tend your field together and clean up karma, my price now is 3600 and the price that is supposed to be there according to the vision is 6600. That is what I have been gradually working towards for half a year now. Because I’m being kind to myself and not cutting corners, I don’t want to have it in a week – I’m taking it slower and thus more sustainable for me.

I’ve had some good business mentoring recently and have now clarified these steps thanks to that. In the meantime, I’ll raise prices in July „halfway through“. And by September I plan to have them set exactly according to that vision, to be fully energy aligned by then.

I hope you found this insight into the pricing process useful. If you’ve tried to host a conference too, come show it off on the Facebook group Mystics in Practice.

And if you’re interested in more tips on money visualizations like the pricing conference, I have some written up for you in the Money Mysticism email course I’ve now re-launched for purchase. It’s not expensive, it’s 399, it’s six different emails with visualization tips and techniques.

Enjoy your summer. And don’t be afraid to change the prices, whichever way you go. It’s a game, play along until the swag and fireworks do it. That’s when it’s at its best.

How to set prices mystically?

The business grows with its owner and moves together, hand in hand. Those who are actively engaged in the topic of self-development notice this very clearly with their business. Those who also run a business in the topics of personal development or energy know it perhaps even more clearly.

New visions, ideas, collaborations and connections.

Earlier this year, I began to implement a larger wave of changes to my business. Because people always ask me, request a new service or it comes out of the process all on its own. The changes I wanted to address were mostly practical. I changed almost everything, from the website to the ordering system. In addition to that, I set the intention to set new types of appointments this year, to move things along again.


I’ll share with you the process on the mystical pricing method.

When I tackled the topic of pricing, I set the intention to have an energy conference and waited until I had some quiet time. Then I went to the conference.

I met with the soul of my business, the masters, the angels, the money being, the goddess of abundance. We stood in a semicircle. One by one, I called out my prizes. I saw them as ballerinas dancing.

Gradually I moved the prize, so that they would speed up their dance when I increased the number of the prize, or dance more slowly when I decreased the number of the prize.

We watched each other’s reactions in that semicircle. I enjoyed that.


At one point, the goddess of abundance shook her head in disbelief and the being of money exclaimed, no way!!!, walked away, folded her arms and stood there!


For the price was too low. So I increased it, making the ballerina faster, and the money creature moved backwards in proportion to the acceleration.

When it was the right number, the being of money and the ballerina of the price merged together in an energy vortex, and upward shot a colorful firework. It was okay then, that was when the price number always perfectly matched the energy and value of each of my services and I wrote it down in my notebook.

Then we dismissed the conference, we all thanked each other and said our goodbyes and went about our other tasks.

I came back from my vision back into my body and looked at the notebook. I read the numbers in there and nearly fell off my chair – I got a regular hysterical look on my face that I could never charge that much! No one will ever give me that much!


The prices proposed were perfectly in line with everything but my own self-worth.

So what to do? I threw the book away and didn’t change the prices, of course. What else is there to do at that point, right? Because if you’re not in line with the price yourself, it may be set right a million times over, but you’re not going to sell much of anything. You’re going to limit or slow down your income stream a lot if you don’t trust yourself.

Instead of changing my pricing toward alignment with me, I instead went to move my self-worth and started to gradually put myself vibrationally in alignment with that set price. And I’m still on that path today and will be for a while.

Wondering which service was it and what numbers I was so hysterical about?

For the appointment called Inner Insight, where we tend your field together and clean up karma, my price now is 3600 and the price that is supposed to be there according to the vision is 6600. That is what I have been gradually working towards for half a year now. Because I’m being kind to myself and not cutting corners, I don’t want to have it in a week – I’m taking it slower and thus more sustainable for me.

I’ve had some good business mentoring recently and have now clarified these steps thanks to that. In the meantime, I’ll raise prices in July „halfway through“. And by September I plan to have them set exactly according to that vision, to be fully energy aligned by then.

I hope you found this insight into the pricing process useful. If you’ve tried to host a conference too, come show it off on the Facebook group Mystics in Practice.

And if you’re interested in more tips on money visualizations like the pricing conference, I have some written up for you in the Money Mysticism email course I’ve now re-launched for purchase. It’s not expensive, it’s 399, it’s six different emails with visualization tips and techniques.

Enjoy your summer. And don’t be afraid to change the prices, whichever way you go. It’s a game, play along until the swag and fireworks do it. That’s when it’s at its best.

How to set prices mystically?

The business grows with its owner and moves together, hand in hand. Those who are actively engaged in the topic of self-development notice this very clearly with their business. Those who also run a business in the topics of personal development or energy know it perhaps even more clearly.

New visions, ideas, collaborations and connections.

Earlier this year, I began to implement a larger wave of changes to my business. Because people always ask me, request a new service or it comes out of the process all on its own. The changes I wanted to address were mostly practical. I changed almost everything, from the website to the ordering system. In addition to that, I set the intention to set new types of appointments this year, to move things along again.


I’ll share with you the process on the mystical pricing method.

When I tackled the topic of pricing, I set the intention to have an energy conference and waited until I had some quiet time. Then I went to the conference.

I met with the soul of my business, the masters, the angels, the money being, the goddess of abundance. We stood in a semicircle. One by one, I called out my prizes. I saw them as ballerinas dancing.

Gradually I moved the prize, so that they would speed up their dance when I increased the number of the prize, or dance more slowly when I decreased the number of the prize.

We watched each other’s reactions in that semicircle. I enjoyed that.


At one point, the goddess of abundance shook her head in disbelief and the being of money exclaimed, no way!!!, walked away, folded her arms and stood there!


For the price was too low. So I increased it, making the ballerina faster, and the money creature moved backwards in proportion to the acceleration.

When it was the right number, the being of money and the ballerina of the price merged together in an energy vortex, and upward shot a colorful firework. It was okay then, that was when the price number always perfectly matched the energy and value of each of my services and I wrote it down in my notebook.

Then we dismissed the conference, we all thanked each other and said our goodbyes and went about our other tasks.

I came back from my vision back into my body and looked at the notebook. I read the numbers in there and nearly fell off my chair – I got a regular hysterical look on my face that I could never charge that much! No one will ever give me that much!


The prices proposed were perfectly in line with everything but my own self-worth.

So what to do? I threw the book away and didn’t change the prices, of course. What else is there to do at that point, right? Because if you’re not in line with the price yourself, it may be set right a million times over, but you’re not going to sell much of anything. You’re going to limit or slow down your income stream a lot if you don’t trust yourself.

Instead of changing my pricing toward alignment with me, I instead went to move my self-worth and started to gradually put myself vibrationally in alignment with that set price. And I’m still on that path today and will be for a while.

Wondering which service was it and what numbers I was so hysterical about?

For the appointment called Inner Insight, where we tend your field together and clean up karma, my price now is 3600 and the price that is supposed to be there according to the vision is 6600. That is what I have been gradually working towards for half a year now. Because I’m being kind to myself and not cutting corners, I don’t want to have it in a week – I’m taking it slower and thus more sustainable for me.

I’ve had some good business mentoring recently and have now clarified these steps thanks to that. In the meantime, I’ll raise prices in July „halfway through“. And by September I plan to have them set exactly according to that vision, to be fully energy aligned by then.

I hope you found this insight into the pricing process useful. If you’ve tried to host a conference too, come show it off on the Facebook group Mystics in Practice.

And if you’re interested in more tips on money visualizations like the pricing conference, I have some written up for you in the Money Mysticism email course I’ve now re-launched for purchase. It’s not expensive, it’s 399, it’s six different emails with visualization tips and techniques.

Enjoy your summer. And don’t be afraid to change the prices, whichever way you go. It’s a game, play along until the swag and fireworks do it. That’s when it’s at its best.

How to set prices mystically?

The business grows with its owner and moves together, hand in hand. Those who are actively engaged in the topic of self-development notice this very clearly with their business. Those who also run a business in the topics of personal development or energy know it perhaps even more clearly.

New visions, ideas, collaborations and connections.

Earlier this year, I began to implement a larger wave of changes to my business. Because people always ask me, request a new service or it comes out of the process all on its own. The changes I wanted to address were mostly practical. I changed almost everything, from the website to the ordering system. In addition to that, I set the intention to set new types of appointments this year, to move things along again.


I’ll share with you the process on the mystical pricing method.

When I tackled the topic of pricing, I set the intention to have an energy conference and waited until I had some quiet time. Then I went to the conference.

I met with the soul of my business, the masters, the angels, the money being, the goddess of abundance. We stood in a semicircle. One by one, I called out my prizes. I saw them as ballerinas dancing.

Gradually I moved the prize, so that they would speed up their dance when I increased the number of the prize, or dance more slowly when I decreased the number of the prize.

We watched each other’s reactions in that semicircle. I enjoyed that.


At one point, the goddess of abundance shook her head in disbelief and the being of money exclaimed, no way!!!, walked away, folded her arms and stood there!


For the price was too low. So I increased it, making the ballerina faster, and the money creature moved backwards in proportion to the acceleration.

When it was the right number, the being of money and the ballerina of the price merged together in an energy vortex, and upward shot a colorful firework. It was okay then, that was when the price number always perfectly matched the energy and value of each of my services and I wrote it down in my notebook.

Then we dismissed the conference, we all thanked each other and said our goodbyes and went about our other tasks.

I came back from my vision back into my body and looked at the notebook. I read the numbers in there and nearly fell off my chair – I got a regular hysterical look on my face that I could never charge that much! No one will ever give me that much!


The prices proposed were perfectly in line with everything but my own self-worth.

So what to do? I threw the book away and didn’t change the prices, of course. What else is there to do at that point, right? Because if you’re not in line with the price yourself, it may be set right a million times over, but you’re not going to sell much of anything. You’re going to limit or slow down your income stream a lot if you don’t trust yourself.

Instead of changing my pricing toward alignment with me, I instead went to move my self-worth and started to gradually put myself vibrationally in alignment with that set price. And I’m still on that path today and will be for a while.

Wondering which service was it and what numbers I was so hysterical about?

For the appointment called Inner Insight, where we tend your field together and clean up karma, my price now is 3600 and the price that is supposed to be there according to the vision is 6600. That is what I have been gradually working towards for half a year now. Because I’m being kind to myself and not cutting corners, I don’t want to have it in a week – I’m taking it slower and thus more sustainable for me.

I’ve had some good business mentoring recently and have now clarified these steps thanks to that. In the meantime, I’ll raise prices in July „halfway through“. And by September I plan to have them set exactly according to that vision, to be fully energy aligned by then.

I hope you found this insight into the pricing process useful. If you’ve tried to host a conference too, come show it off on the Facebook group Mystics in Practice.

And if you’re interested in more tips on money visualizations like the pricing conference, I have some written up for you in the Money Mysticism email course I’ve now re-launched for purchase. It’s not expensive, it’s 399, it’s six different emails with visualization tips and techniques.

Enjoy your summer. And don’t be afraid to change the prices, whichever way you go. It’s a game, play along until the swag and fireworks do it. That’s when it’s at its best.

How to set prices mystically?

The business grows with its owner and moves together, hand in hand. Those who are actively engaged in the topic of self-development notice this very clearly with their business. Those who also run a business in the topics of personal development or energy know it perhaps even more clearly.

New visions, ideas, collaborations and connections.

Earlier this year, I began to implement a larger wave of changes to my business. Because people always ask me, request a new service or it comes out of the process all on its own. The changes I wanted to address were mostly practical. I changed almost everything, from the website to the ordering system. In addition to that, I set the intention to set new types of appointments this year, to move things along again.


I’ll share with you the process on the mystical pricing method.

When I tackled the topic of pricing, I set the intention to have an energy conference and waited until I had some quiet time. Then I went to the conference.

I met with the soul of my business, the masters, the angels, the money being, the goddess of abundance. We stood in a semicircle. One by one, I called out my prizes. I saw them as ballerinas dancing.

Gradually I moved the prize, so that they would speed up their dance when I increased the number of the prize, or dance more slowly when I decreased the number of the prize.

We watched each other’s reactions in that semicircle. I enjoyed that.


At one point, the goddess of abundance shook her head in disbelief and the being of money exclaimed, no way!!!, walked away, folded her arms and stood there!


For the price was too low. So I increased it, making the ballerina faster, and the money creature moved backwards in proportion to the acceleration.

When it was the right number, the being of money and the ballerina of the price merged together in an energy vortex, and upward shot a colorful firework. It was okay then, that was when the price number always perfectly matched the energy and value of each of my services and I wrote it down in my notebook.

Then we dismissed the conference, we all thanked each other and said our goodbyes and went about our other tasks.

I came back from my vision back into my body and looked at the notebook. I read the numbers in there and nearly fell off my chair – I got a regular hysterical look on my face that I could never charge that much! No one will ever give me that much!


The prices proposed were perfectly in line with everything but my own self-worth.

So what to do? I threw the book away and didn’t change the prices, of course. What else is there to do at that point, right? Because if you’re not in line with the price yourself, it may be set right a million times over, but you’re not going to sell much of anything. You’re going to limit or slow down your income stream a lot if you don’t trust yourself.

Instead of changing my pricing toward alignment with me, I instead went to move my self-worth and started to gradually put myself vibrationally in alignment with that set price. And I’m still on that path today and will be for a while.

Wondering which service was it and what numbers I was so hysterical about?

For the appointment called Inner Insight, where we tend your field together and clean up karma, my price now is 3600 and the price that is supposed to be there according to the vision is 6600. That is what I have been gradually working towards for half a year now. Because I’m being kind to myself and not cutting corners, I don’t want to have it in a week – I’m taking it slower and thus more sustainable for me.

I’ve had some good business mentoring recently and have now clarified these steps thanks to that. In the meantime, I’ll raise prices in July „halfway through“. And by September I plan to have them set exactly according to that vision, to be fully energy aligned by then.

I hope you found this insight into the pricing process useful. If you’ve tried to host a conference too, come show it off on the Facebook group Mystics in Practice.

And if you’re interested in more tips on money visualizations like the pricing conference, I have some written up for you in the Money Mysticism email course I’ve now re-launched for purchase. It’s not expensive, it’s 399, it’s six different emails with visualization tips and techniques.

Enjoy your summer. And don’t be afraid to change the prices, whichever way you go. It’s a game, play along until the swag and fireworks do it. That’s when it’s at its best.

How to set prices mystically?

The business grows with its owner and moves together, hand in hand. Those who are actively engaged in the topic of self-development notice this very clearly with their business. Those who also run a business in the topics of personal development or energy know it perhaps even more clearly.

New visions, ideas, collaborations and connections.

Earlier this year, I began to implement a larger wave of changes to my business. Because people always ask me, request a new service or it comes out of the process all on its own. The changes I wanted to address were mostly practical. I changed almost everything, from the website to the ordering system. In addition to that, I set the intention to set new types of appointments this year, to move things along again.


I’ll share with you the process on the mystical pricing method.

When I tackled the topic of pricing, I set the intention to have an energy conference and waited until I had some quiet time. Then I went to the conference.

I met with the soul of my business, the masters, the angels, the money being, the goddess of abundance. We stood in a semicircle. One by one, I called out my prizes. I saw them as ballerinas dancing.

Gradually I moved the prize, so that they would speed up their dance when I increased the number of the prize, or dance more slowly when I decreased the number of the prize.

We watched each other’s reactions in that semicircle. I enjoyed that.


At one point, the goddess of abundance shook her head in disbelief and the being of money exclaimed, no way!!!, walked away, folded her arms and stood there!


For the price was too low. So I increased it, making the ballerina faster, and the money creature moved backwards in proportion to the acceleration.

When it was the right number, the being of money and the ballerina of the price merged together in an energy vortex, and upward shot a colorful firework. It was okay then, that was when the price number always perfectly matched the energy and value of each of my services and I wrote it down in my notebook.

Then we dismissed the conference, we all thanked each other and said our goodbyes and went about our other tasks.

I came back from my vision back into my body and looked at the notebook. I read the numbers in there and nearly fell off my chair – I got a regular hysterical look on my face that I could never charge that much! No one will ever give me that much!


The prices proposed were perfectly in line with everything but my own self-worth.

So what to do? I threw the book away and didn’t change the prices, of course. What else is there to do at that point, right? Because if you’re not in line with the price yourself, it may be set right a million times over, but you’re not going to sell much of anything. You’re going to limit or slow down your income stream a lot if you don’t trust yourself.

Instead of changing my pricing toward alignment with me, I instead went to move my self-worth and started to gradually put myself vibrationally in alignment with that set price. And I’m still on that path today and will be for a while.

Wondering which service was it and what numbers I was so hysterical about?

For the appointment called Inner Insight, where we tend your field together and clean up karma, my price now is 3600 and the price that is supposed to be there according to the vision is 6600. That is what I have been gradually working towards for half a year now. Because I’m being kind to myself and not cutting corners, I don’t want to have it in a week – I’m taking it slower and thus more sustainable for me.

I’ve had some good business mentoring recently and have now clarified these steps thanks to that. In the meantime, I’ll raise prices in July „halfway through“. And by September I plan to have them set exactly according to that vision, to be fully energy aligned by then.

I hope you found this insight into the pricing process useful. If you’ve tried to host a conference too, come show it off on the Facebook group Mystics in Practice.

And if you’re interested in more tips on money visualizations like the pricing conference, I have some written up for you in the Money Mysticism email course I’ve now re-launched for purchase. It’s not expensive, it’s 399, it’s six different emails with visualization tips and techniques.

Enjoy your summer. And don’t be afraid to change the prices, whichever way you go. It’s a game, play along until the swag and fireworks do it. That’s when it’s at its best.

How to set prices mystically?

The business grows with its owner and moves together, hand in hand. Those who are actively engaged in the topic of self-development notice this very clearly with their business. Those who also run a business in the topics of personal development or energy know it perhaps even more clearly.

New visions, ideas, collaborations and connections.

Earlier this year, I began to implement a larger wave of changes to my business. Because people always ask me, request a new service or it comes out of the process all on its own. The changes I wanted to address were mostly practical. I changed almost everything, from the website to the ordering system. In addition to that, I set the intention to set new types of appointments this year, to move things along again.


I’ll share with you the process on the mystical pricing method.

When I tackled the topic of pricing, I set the intention to have an energy conference and waited until I had some quiet time. Then I went to the conference.

I met with the soul of my business, the masters, the angels, the money being, the goddess of abundance. We stood in a semicircle. One by one, I called out my prizes. I saw them as ballerinas dancing.

Gradually I moved the prize, so that they would speed up their dance when I increased the number of the prize, or dance more slowly when I decreased the number of the prize.

We watched each other’s reactions in that semicircle. I enjoyed that.


At one point, the goddess of abundance shook her head in disbelief and the being of money exclaimed, no way!!!, walked away, folded her arms and stood there!


For the price was too low. So I increased it, making the ballerina faster, and the money creature moved backwards in proportion to the acceleration.

When it was the right number, the being of money and the ballerina of the price merged together in an energy vortex, and upward shot a colorful firework. It was okay then, that was when the price number always perfectly matched the energy and value of each of my services and I wrote it down in my notebook.

Then we dismissed the conference, we all thanked each other and said our goodbyes and went about our other tasks.

I came back from my vision back into my body and looked at the notebook. I read the numbers in there and nearly fell off my chair – I got a regular hysterical look on my face that I could never charge that much! No one will ever give me that much!

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The prices proposed were perfectly in line with everything but my own self-worth.

So what to do? I threw the book away and didn’t change the prices, of course. What else is there to do at that point, right? Because if you’re not in line with the price yourself, it may be set right a million times over, but you’re not going to sell much of anything. You’re going to limit or slow down your income stream a lot if you don’t trust yourself.

Instead of changing my pricing toward alignment with me, I instead went to move my self-worth and started to gradually put myself vibrationally in alignment with that set price. And I’m still on that path today and will be for a while.

Wondering which service was it and what numbers I was so hysterical about?

For the appointment called Inner Insight, where we tend your field together and clean up karma, my price now is 3600 and the price that is supposed to be there according to the vision is 6600. That is what I have been gradually working towards for half a year now. Because I’m being kind to myself and not cutting corners, I don’t want to have it in a week – I’m taking it slower and thus more sustainable for me.

I’ve had some good business mentoring recently and have now clarified these steps thanks to that. In the meantime, I’ll raise prices in July „halfway through“. And by September I plan to have them set exactly according to that vision, to be fully energy aligned by then.

I hope you found this insight into the pricing process useful. If you’ve tried to host a conference too, come show it off on the Facebook group Mystics in Practice.

And if you’re interested in more tips on money visualizations like the pricing conference, I have some written up for you in the Money Mysticism email course I’ve now re-launched for purchase. It’s not expensive, it’s 399, it’s six different emails with visualization tips and techniques.

Enjoy your summer. And don’t be afraid to change the prices, whichever way you go. It’s a game, play along until the swag and fireworks do it. That’s when it’s at its best.

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About the Author

Marketa Maderova

As the author of a unique and complex method of energy work called Applied Mysticism I have helped hundreds to free themselves from lifelong lasting issues. Mysticism is my passion, love and life. I feel the most important you can do is to be fully present right here and now. Read my story here >>