autor: Marketa Maderova | 14 října, 2021 | Applied Mysticism, Blog, Tips and Tricks
Do you like articles like „here we go again with the full moon“? I don’t. Most of the time I just see the time fly by. But this time there’s a full moon that I’ve noticed happening for a number of different reasons. There will be a total...
autor: Marketa Maderova | 14 října, 2021 | Applied Mysticism, Blog, My Experiences, Tips and Tricks
How to set prices mystically? The business grows with its owner and moves together, hand in hand. Those who are actively engaged in the topic of self-development notice this very clearly with their business. Those who also run a business in the topics of personal...
autor: Marketa Maderova | 5 října, 2021 | Applied Mysticism, My Experiences
autor: Marketa Maderova | 5 října, 2021 | Applied Mysticism, My Experiences
I’m updating and expanding on my article from September 2019, as this topic is still being worked on and there is still much to do. There are a lot of processes going on right now on the planet as part of the transformation, which is basically kind of a big...
autor: Marketa Maderova | 5 října, 2021 | Applied Mysticism, My Experiences, Tips and Tricks
Let me share with you one of my tricks to simplify and speed up the change of my consciousness level. You can find it usefull: when you think you cannot meditate during visualisations if you always fall asleep before you got where you wanted if your thoughts start...
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